FTP is a commonly used protocol, and as such there are many FTP clients both of the paid and open source variety. An FTP client allows you to use the FTP protocol by wrapping it in an easy-to-use interface, making the process of uploading to a web hosting account even more streamlined.
While at WebHostingToolBox we try not to be biased in terms of what FTP clients we suggest, we have had quite a bit of luck with the following two FTP clients in the past, which have worked for thousands of web hosting customers;
CyberDuck – This is an excellent FTP client that is built for OSX, and allows Apple users to easily and quickly upload and download files using a wide variety of protocols such as FTP, sFTP, and many others.
FileZilla – FileZilla is one of the more popular FTP clients used for Windows and Linux operating systems. While FileZilla does also have an Apple variant, CyberDuck tends to be the preferred choice by many web hosting users.
If you have any further questions pertaining to FTP clients or FTP hosting account, please feel free to reach out to your web hosting support team for further assistance.