How do I upload content using Microsoft Publisher?

The process for uploading content using Microsoft Publisher isn’t complicated. However, it does require that each step is carried out successfully before continuing onto the next step. Please follow the step-by-step process indicated below, on how to upload content to your web hosting account.

  • Open the Microsoft Publisher application
  • Once there, click on "File" in the top menu and then onto "Publish to the web"
  • Next, you will need to enter your default FTP location
  • For this, please click on "Add/Modify FTP Locations" from the "Save In" list
  • Next, in the text box, enter in "Name of FTP site" please input your domain.
  • In the "Log on as" box, specify your cPanel username/password
  • Finally, click on the "Add" button to save your settings.

Once you have completed the above-mentioned process for enrolling your web hosting account into Microsoft Publisher, you should next learn how to publish your website to your web hosting account. Please follow the steps indicated below:

  • To publish, choose the "" option in the "Save in" list
  • Next, navigate to the /public_html/ directory of your web hosting account
  • Prior to publishing, make sure the "Save as type" is set to "Web Page Filtered"
  • Finally just click on "Save" to have your content published online!

If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in contact with your cPanel/WHM web hosting support team for further assistance with your web hosting account.